Tuesday, October 12, 2010

current events 4: Kim Jong Il's son talks about passing the dictatorship to another head

Topic: world/politics
article: Kim Jong Il's son talks succession

summary: when the public found out of that Kim jong ill is actually a fake double that was set up by someone in government, many ran to his sons to elect the next person to lead their new nation. What they didn't know is that when Kim jong Ill died he actually left his son in charge, however his half son seeks to overtake the throne for the title of the new head of North Korea.

reaction: I think even in a communist country like North Korea, sibling rivalry can be an issue that could affect the entire nation. Especially since the last few dictators tried to start a potential war with us which would have most likely ended badly on their side because of their small army and limited nuclear weapon facility. However the full blooded son of Kim jong Ill (Kim Jong Nam) has taken the liberty to appoint his half blooded brother to a four star general, so this shows some sort of kindness among their bitter rivalry. 

Impact: I think this is one of this biggest steps in North Korea advancing its self into the modern age and the constricted poverty that it was so notorious for because when Kim jong ill was in command they focused all its money into the weapons program, which left people jobless, hungry and to say at least angry. Now there is a bit more wiggle room and a lot more local business going around North Korea. Eventually North Korea maybe the ahead of South Korea from coming out of their major recession and poverty strong.   

Thursday, October 7, 2010

searching bags, paranoia in the U.S

      The 4th amendment says the search and seizure of others environment and belongings is illegal without consent from court (a warrant). But, now apparently the police here think they now have the privilege to bend the rules to say they have "probable cause" to search your bag. This is not fair because this can be very offensive to many ethnic groups. Because of this it becomes a repetitive insult to those of who it offends. If you look at how these train bombings are caught, its from people who realize there is something wrong with the container that is in the train left alone. So I think its completely unnecessary if people are already vigilant about their surroundings or perhaps officers should just patrol the trains looking for anything suspicious.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

federal, concurrent and state powers.

         In our government, there lies three types of power's that the nation holds. It can be thought into a majority and a minority, from there there likes the powers that reside between the both of them. In government the majority power would be " federal" powers and the minority power would be state or reserved powers. Its only this way because people (more precisely the original founding fathers) were afraid of a power struggle between the two groups. These concurrent powers are just similarities both parties hold hand in hand with each other, it only  changes in time because both parties have to hold something against each other to make the other one seem equal.
         Federal powers can do the following
* declare war
* collect taxes and distribute it amongst congress
* regulate trade and the economy
* they run the national mint (prints money)
* control the export business
*they also control the legalization of

*legalizes and legitimizes marriages
* elections
*provides for local government

concurrent powers
*collects taxes
*enforce's/makes laws
*maintain courts

current events 3: 3 professors share Nobel Prize in chemistry

Topic: world/science/
Article: 3 professors share Nobel Prize in chemistry

Summary: 3 scientists (2 from the united states and one from japan) created a new compound that could create a carbon bond with many different types of natural elements and compounds. Which scientists have been trying to figure out for close to two decades. Now that has been achieved the three scientists have been given noble prizes in chemistry. By using a special  "Palladium-catalyzed cross coupling" it gave scientists a more precise handling on carbon and poly carbon bonds"

reaction: I think that its great that in this new day of science and technology, people can work together to solve the biggest problems without even have to be sitting in the same room together. The reason i want to be an engineer is to overcome odds like this and help make advances just like these persistent scientists.  

impact:  This story is directly about working together no matter where you're from, it shows if you have passion you can get it done. The back bone story about how these men met about 4 years back to solve this problem is pretty amazing. Apart from the accomplishment, the by-product from their achievement will be greatly appreciated in the science world and world of medicine. now medicine can react in the body much faster and possibly made even cheaper. 

Sunday, October 3, 2010

amending the constitution

                            amending the constitution takes a lot of work. Congress only does it if there is a 2/3 vote from everyone on both sides of the senate and the house of representatives. Congress only pass's amendments on the basis that it is beneficial to the united states of america. However amendments cannot be removed or abolished. there must be either another amendment that cancels out the one before it. Other than passing it through congress, there is another informal way. The amendment can be passed if most of america is Angrily trying to a certain law passed but congress keeps denying it, they can take it to court in Washington D.C and it will most likely pass from there.  

current events 2: The silent death of Colton Tooley

   Topic: justice/criminal
   Article:  University of Texas shooter was quiet, smart
   link: http://www.cnn.com/2010/CRIME/09/29/texas.university.shooting/index.html

 summary:  on September 28th, a collage sophomore in the university of Texas was thought to go on a murderous rampage in school. But, in the end pulled the trigger on himself in the library of the university. He was characterized as the "silent, studious and brilliant   person who kept to himself". No one was harmed or killed in the proceedings that led to his death. His actions resulted in a lock-down of the campus Tuesday morning. Panicked students were warned to remain indoors with their doors locked.

Reaction:  I think for one, its horrible that people stereotype that these silent smart people always commit suicide and try to scare the public. Its only overly exaggerate's these type of stories, because too many dumb gangbangers, hoodlums, criminals and delinquents already get enough attention from the news. I think people should worry more about how to stop brilliant minds from going to waste over things like peer pressure or depression. Then people can finally put their money where their mouth is. 

world impact: I think there should be some sort of world fund to help misguided teens and young adults as well as adults to get through their tough times. In japan, at least 5 teenagers die from cyber bullying, bullying or even extreme peer pressure. Things like that can tell what the world will become like in a span from 10 to 30 years. Its a growing trend that needs to end or at the very least, paid serious attention too. 


                                  Federalism allows the states in different locations of the country to enact laws that are better suited for the citizens that live there, while still maintaining one central government.  It also helps to regulate federal control over the people. Federalism also helps regulate internal control in the government. For example, the even distribution of the powers of all three branches. Its also has very shady corners when it comes to foreign affairs, however it keeps the government and America together from going into chaos. 

current events 1: unsafe in other countries for Americans?

Topic: politics/world
article: Travel alert issued for U.S. citizens in Europe

summary : Its obvious that in times like this, terrorist alerts have been steadily gaining and it doesn't seem to be fluctuating anytime soon. In countries like Spain, england and Germany american tourists are always there year after year. Countries fear that the high grossing amount of American citizens would bait in terrorists. Which could lead to many homeland and foreign deaths. now governments are trying to raise the alerts in an attempt to scarring foreigners of traveling into their countries.

Reaction: I think its unfair for European countries to scare American and other foreign citizens from entering their own countries just because their security is bad. However they in their own sense are hypocrites. Simply because they head to this country for their own accord and business. I honestly think this is their way of being legally selfish without any repercussion. I think it will because of this, that will lead to a terrorist bombing or attack. 

World Impact: This may seem like a small issue to many. however soon all countries will start to scare travelers or people who are trying to do international commerce overseas. Which will ultimately be bad for business, especially small ones who need the economic boost in times like this. By keeping the terrorist alerts at their actual level, without over exaggerative it will help show the country that they are not weak.