Tuesday, October 12, 2010

current events 4: Kim Jong Il's son talks about passing the dictatorship to another head

Topic: world/politics
article: Kim Jong Il's son talks succession

summary: when the public found out of that Kim jong ill is actually a fake double that was set up by someone in government, many ran to his sons to elect the next person to lead their new nation. What they didn't know is that when Kim jong Ill died he actually left his son in charge, however his half son seeks to overtake the throne for the title of the new head of North Korea.

reaction: I think even in a communist country like North Korea, sibling rivalry can be an issue that could affect the entire nation. Especially since the last few dictators tried to start a potential war with us which would have most likely ended badly on their side because of their small army and limited nuclear weapon facility. However the full blooded son of Kim jong Ill (Kim Jong Nam) has taken the liberty to appoint his half blooded brother to a four star general, so this shows some sort of kindness among their bitter rivalry. 

Impact: I think this is one of this biggest steps in North Korea advancing its self into the modern age and the constricted poverty that it was so notorious for because when Kim jong ill was in command they focused all its money into the weapons program, which left people jobless, hungry and to say at least angry. Now there is a bit more wiggle room and a lot more local business going around North Korea. Eventually North Korea maybe the ahead of South Korea from coming out of their major recession and poverty strong.   


At October 13, 2010 at 7:33 PM , Blogger Mr.Pilla said...

Great, ive checked all your work, you did a great job.


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